Why Online Training is the Future


As technology advances, so do the methods used for employee training. Keep reading to discover why online training has already become the forefront of professional development. 💥

It's time efficient ⏱

According to a Brandon-Hall Study, corporate e-learning takes 40%–60% less time than traditional classroom training. This efficiency means your employees spend less time in training and more time applying what they've learned to their work, boosting overall productivity.

It's environmentally friendly 🌿

Online training is not only effective but also eco-friendly. The Stockholm Environmental Institute found that e-learning can reduce CO2 emissions by 90%! By choosing online training, you're contributing to a greener planet while providing top-notch education to your team.

It boosts knowledge retention 📚

The Research Institute of America concluded that e-learning boosts retention rates by 25 to 60 percent compared to traditional training methods, which only have 8 to 10 percent retention rates. 🤯 This way of learning also has the advantages of :

• Providing a comfortable learning environment

• Allowing employees to learn at their own pace

• And being accessible

It's time to experience it 👀

Serapy's online training solutions are designed to meet the needs of today's workforce. With our expert-designed courses and user-friendly platform, your employees will be more engaged and better equipped to succeed. See for yourself!

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